
ネオペ メール控え [ネオペット]

それによれば、今までプレミアム会員の特典の1つとしてメールアドレス(ネオペ内のメールではなく、普通に使えるメアド。 ×××が貰えていたのですが、そちらが5/15で使用不可になるとの事。
と、思わず叫んでしまいました(-_-;)  まぁ、そのメアドはほぼ利用していなかったから、特にバックアップを取る必要もないのですが‥。




ちなみに、↓ の5/11のネオメのタイトルは「Premium Update #3 」ですが、「#1」や「#2」なんてメッセは受取っておりませんですよ?

タイトル: Premium Update #3


We're writing again with a few more updates about the Premium switch, including launch date information and maybe a haiku just because. Please keep reading!

Launch Date

So! We were going to announce the official launch date of May 22nd, but instead it will be a bit later. We know, but hear us out! All the new features are set and ready to go. However, since there are multiple different payment method/subscription combinations that all have slightly different processes, we want to give the tech team more time to work on the data transition. So, instead of mid-May as we originally planned, it will now be early June.

As soon as we know the new date for sure, we'll share it with all of you. We just didn't want mid-May to roll by without letting you know what's up!

Payment Updates

As we noted in previous emails, some of you will need to update and/or confirm your payment information in the new system. We're putting together instructions for each of the different payment methods/subscriptions and will be sending that out a week or so before launch so you'll be prepared when the time comes!


This is yet another reminder that Webmail will be closing soon! However, we were able to have the cutoff extended out to May 31st, so you have a few more days to back up your emails and contacts if you're a procrastinator.

A Premium Haiku

New Premium comes
On a much awaited day


That's it for this update! In case you've forgotten or haven't seen what's in store yet, check out our Premium FAQs. They're updated regularly so you can always view the latest there.

See you in Neopia!

- The Neopets Team

タイトル: New Premium Update: Webmail Removal Reminder


As we mentioned last week, the new Neopets Premium service will not offer Webmail, so we wanted to send a reminder in case there's anything in your inbox you'd like to save!

Webmail will no longer be available on (or shortly after) May 15th, 2012, and you will no longer have access to your email address at that time.

  • Saving Emails - If you'd like to save any of your emails, please be sure to back them up before then. You can do so by forwarding each message you'd like to save to your new email address. As an alternative method, there is also a link at the top of each email to 'View Message Source'. You can save that page to your hard drive.

  • Saving Contacts - You may also want to save any contacts you have stored. To do this, click on the 'Address Book' link at the top of the page, and then on the 'Import/Export' button and follow the steps there. This will save your contact list as a CSV file, which can be imported into a number of other email applications.

  • Set Up a New Address - Lastly, be sure to notify your family and friends of your new email address before Webmail shuts down! Otherwise, they'll think you're ignoring them and get upset and tell your cousin what a louse you are, who will tell your sister and then your sister will be mad at you for weeks and you'll have to find someone else weird enough to want your Mutant Tuskaninny and... *cough*. Sorry. Anyway, you get the idea.

So don't forget, back up your content by May 14th at the latest to be safe! If you have any questions about this or the new Premium service, the Premium FAQ has more information and is being updated regularly.

See you in Neopia!

- The Neopets Team

*If this message looks familiar, you're not crazy! We did indeed send out this same notice via email last week. We got reports that some folks didn't get that message, and we want to make sure we notify as many people as possible before it's too late! Neomail volunteered for the job because it's a great friend. Thanks, Neomail!


どうやら、これからは会員用のQ&Aのページをチェックしてくれ。という事のようですが‥全部英語だから嫌なのよね~(-_-;) あ~あ。

2012-05-14 04:55  nice!(0)  コメント(2)  トラックバック(0) 

nice! 0

コメント 2


by JUN (2012-05-19 15:07) 


えっ!?  もしかして文章の意味合いが違っていますか?
もう私はサッパリ  ̄\(_ _;)/ ̄ オテアゲ なので、何か注意とかヒントとかありましたら、ぜひ教えていただきたいです~~。
by じみりん (2012-05-19 23:24) 


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